Sunday, March 20, 2011


Another subject that can cause contention between people - religion.

Now as a family we are not 'religious' people. I describe myself as probably atheist where as Terence believes in a 'god' but not sure. Kayleigh, I think, gave a lot of thought towards religion. She had a lot of questions about different religions - Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and other religions. I think Kayleigh wanted to know which one most closely fitted what she believed. Kayleigh did believe in a higher being but was not happy with a 'god' that allowed children to die, mass killings because of religious causes and general mayhem in the world. Kayleigh thought that if there was a 'god' it would look after everything in the world, not just humans.

On all of her questions and reading into religion she choose Buddhism as probably the closest match to what she believed - although she didn't follow any religion. Kayleigh believed that you should be nice to everyone, that you were responsible for your actions and if you were nasty that it would come back to you. Kayleigh believed you should after the environment, and above all, your family came first.

1 comment:

  1. If only everyone held those beliefs!
    I never did before, but I definitely don't believe in god now. What kind of a god would take great kids like Sam and Kayleigh??


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