Thursday, February 2, 2012

10 things you might not have known

I was thinking about some things Kayleigh did that wouldn't make a whole post by themselves:

1. Kayleigh used to wake me up by shaking my hand. She didn't want to wake her dad so she would sneak into the room, kneel down on the floor and start shaking my hand until I woke up. I didn't realise until after she was gone that she was the only one who did it.

2. Kayleigh once gave herself a bald spot on the crown of her head. She said her head was really itchy and she scratched it until I noticed she had a bald spot bigger than a 50c piece. She wore her hair in a pony tail for 3 months straight after that.

3. Kayleigh went through 6 school bags in year 7 because she used to take EVERYTHING to school.

4. Kayleigh always insisted that we got strawberry plants for our vege patch each year, although I don't think we ever got any strawberries.

5. Kayleigh always wanted to help her dad out, no matter how messy or dirty the job was. Digging in the garden, playing with the cars, moving turf or building things, Kayleigh was always there to help.

6. Kayleigh never slept much. She was always the last to bed and the first awake. She always got up in the middle of the night, and sometimes even stayed up and didn't go back to bed.

7. Her favourite saying before she passed away (at least at home) was' Stop back chatting'.

8. Her sneakers, which she was cremated in, she called her bubblegum shoes - they were ASIACS that had blue and green stripes on them.

9. IF there was a perfect tomato in the vege patch, Kayleigh would eat it before anyone else saw it.

10. Kayleigh was scared of spiders, until she figured out that the vacuum cleaner was the best way to get rid of them. After that, she was never scared of spiders in the house.

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