Thursday, March 22, 2012

Our mini vacuum cleaner

Kayleigh started crawling when she was about 7 months old. At this stage we were renting a house in Banks. Kayleigh had a habit of waking up quite early in the morning- around 6am and we all had to be up with her. It was this time that we did the majority of the cleaning/vacuuming/mopping of the floors. You may wonder why we didn't do it the night before - we did, but because of Kayleigh we always did it again the next morning.

Why???? because I would get up, change Kayleigh and feed her for the morning while her daddy had a shower, then put her on the floor where she would immediately crawl around. Now this child must have had eagle eyes, because every small tiny little piece of dirt or something, Kayleigh would find, pick up and put it straight into her mouth. Now to prevent her doing that, Terence and I would be crawling behind her, grabbing anything she picked up before it made it into her mouth, and quickly vacuuming the area she was in just in case there was more. Now image, two grown adults crawling around on their hands and knees, chasing a very fast little 7 month old who is determined to put anything and everything in her mouth.

Kayleigh was great as a vacuum, she managed to get under the heater, under the lounge suit and even in the window sills. We must have had the cleanest carpet and windows in Canberra, all because of our mini vacuum cleaner.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Baby Kayleigh

I have to apologise for not writing anything for a while - but I have an excuse, Kayleigh just had a new baby brother - it was an exciting day, but also a sad day as little Kayl will never know his big sister. This has had me reflecting on what sort of baby Kayleigh was.

Kayleigh, on the whole, was quite a good baby, she suffered a little from colic, but nothing that kept us awake at night. as my first baby, and since I was only 19 at the time, were were pretty relaxed on the whole baby thing, and this made for a relaxed baby. Kayleigh had a room to herself (for the only time in her whole life). She started sleeping through the night at 12 weeks old on the dot. She had a big brown Kmart xmas teddy that played christmas carols and I used to sing her to sleep in her cot with them playing.

When she had her 6 month immunisation, they still did the polio immunisation as three drops in the mouth. I'm told they tasted horrible, which is probably why Kayleigh screwed up her face and spit it straight into the nurses eyes and mouth - quite funny at the time, but it meant she had to have more.

I can't help but compare Kayleigh to Kayl - I think we all compare our children in some way, but since Kayleigh is no longer here, it seems we may be doing it a little more than we previously did, just because we miss her so much. Having Kayl has brought a lot of memories to the surface.