Friday, February 1, 2013

its been so long......

It's now been over two and a half years since Kayleigh passed away. So much has happened - we have had another baby whose almost a year old. Natassja is staring yr10 and little Terry is going to high school. Thee are days I wonder hat you would be like now, the year you were going to start college. I always thought that you would go to Erindale fir their sports program or maybe Lake Tuggeranong to be with your friends. Either way I know you would be learning to drive and probably your dad's car. I wonder what you would have made about your dad's new business, where you would b working and what you wanted for last Christmas. Even last week I found that I couldn't listen to a delta goodram song as it made me think of you and the way that you did and his much I missed you. Your dad and I still struggle daily with missing and and someday all I want to do is hide under my Poona and cry.


  1. I really enjoy reading the blogs you post. It is alway nice to find out more about Kayleigh. She was an amazing friend and I miss her with all my heart. I think you and your whole family are so incredibly strong and I admire you all so much! xx


  2. I love reading about Kayleigh and what she was like. I never got the chance to meet Kayleigh due to I only meet Natassja last year. Reading this blog has helped me get an insight of what she was like. Judith, you are so brave & strong writing this blog and revealing to all of this to everyone. I don't know how you do it. You and your family are amazing people and it is really sad that this happened to such an amazing & strog family


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