Friday, December 3, 2010

Roast Lamb

We had roast lamb for dinner last night and it reminded me of all the roast lamb dinners we had as a family over the last few years.

Kayleigh loved roast lamb and every time we cooked it Kayleigh and I would argue over who got the lower leg bit. As a child, my mother always got it, so I as a 'grown up' I felt entitles to it as the meat was always tender and I like chewing on the bone. Kayleigh felt the same way. Each time I got the roast out of the oven I would be fending off Kayleigh and her knife and fork trying to get to the piece before I put it on my plate.

Eventually, we started buying a side of lamb that came with not only the roast leg of lamb, but an extra lower leg piece - which solved our problem - I got my piece and Kayleigh got hers. No more scuffles in the kitchen . . .

1 comment:

  1. Hehehe. Sounds like me and my dad!
    Love Jess.


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