Friday, December 31, 2010

Things that Kayleigh taught me

As we go into a new year I was thinking about the thing that Kayleigh had taught us and things I should keep in mind for the year to come. For the new year i would like to remember Kayleigh by trying the think more like her in many areas:
  1. Forgiveness - Kayleigh was very forgiving of many people that did the wrong thing by her. She was always the one to try and make things right between her and the others.
  2. Happiness - Kayleigh was a happy person and tried to make sure that other people didn't get her down
  3. Being grateful for what you have - Kayleigh was happy with what she had - she may not have had as much as some of her friends but she was fine with it. The few times that she asked for something and we couldn't afford it she never got sad or angry over it, but accepted it and said 'maybe later'.
  4. Helping others - Kayleigh had a way in realising when others were down and needed help - even if she didn't know them and she helped them as much as she could - even if it just meant sitting down and listening to them and being a friend.
  5. Trying your best - Kayleigh struggled in many of her classes (Maths, English) but she always gave it 100% even if she didn't get it. All I had ever asked of Kayleigh was that she tried her best - she didn't have to be good at it, just try.
  6. Looking after yourself - Kayleigh was very into sport and nutrition and looking after your body - after all it is the only one you get.
Please comment on things that Kayleigh has taught you.

1 comment:

  1. kayleigh taught me many of the things above but one thing she taught me [and i think i said this in the speach at her funeral] was, to be a true/good friend,she also taught me how to flip and do alsorts tricks on the trampoline!!!! she did teach me more but they are not as important as these ones!!! :)
    xxx A.A xxx


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