Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Losing Daddys wedding ring

Terence stopped wearing his wedding ring as his knuckles in his hands became swollen after eczema. In year 5, Kayleigh took to wearing the ring on her thumb. She thought that is was pretty good wearing her dads ring. She did try to wear my ring, but since it had diamonds in it, it was a no go - she did however tell Natassja that when I passed away, my ring was hers!.

Anyhow, one day her friend Alexandra was playing with her own ring, and for some reason threw it. They searched around for it and couldn't find it. Kayleigh then thought she would 'help' by standing in the same spot and throwing her dad's ring to see if they could find the other ring. They managed to loose both.

Needless to say, Terence was not happy. They went down the to school together and had a good hunt, but Terence's wedding ring was never found. Alexandra got her ring back when someone handed it in the next day. Kayleigh was upset about losing her dad's ring and she promised to buy him a new one when she was old enough to get a job.

1 comment:

  1. i threw the ring because i took it off to show my friends what it was and then someone came over to me and said something quite nasty to me and Kayleigh and it made me angry and upset so i absent mindedly threw my ring and from then on its blank.... just to clear that up


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