Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Slamming on her guitar

When Kayleigh was in Year 6, the music teacher entered all the year 5 and 6 students in a competition - they had to write why music was important to them and school. Kayleigh wrote that 'Music helps me relax and concentrate in the classroom. Music helps me learn.' The entries were sent away and a couple fo months later the school rang me to tell us that Kayleigh had won -- a guitar. They were going to pick them up the next day.

We didn't tell Kayleigh that night as it was a surprise, so when they turned up at the music shop, they were all in for a big surprise (5 children had won, Kayleigh was the only one in Year 6). Each student was given an acoustic guitar, which made Kayleigh very excited, but we couldn't help noticing that she kept looking at the electric guitars in the shops. That night we asked Kayleigh how she felt. She said she was sooooo happy that she'd won, all the other kids in her class were jealous. I then asked her if she really had wanted an electric guitar. She ummmed and arrrr'ed and then said yes - I think she was trying not to be ungrateful for the prize she'd won.

The next day we took Kayleigh back tot he music shop, the guy recognised us from the previous day. We explained that Kayleigh wanted an electric guitar if he could help. The guy was really helpful, he accepted the return for full retail price and then Kayleigh chose her guitar - -she wandered around a bit but kept coming back to the Washborn 'Anarchy' and in the end thats the one she chose.

Kayleigh played with her guitar almost every day, but never really got the hang of it. We bought her an Avril Lavinge song book to try and learn and she was OK at one of the songs, but her favourite song to play was of course 'My heart will go on' by Celine Dion. Over and over and over again.

Kayleigh's Guitar

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