Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Every year, and especially on Queen's birthday fireworks, Terence would have a fire. In the last year, we invested in a fire pit. Kayleigh loved standing around it listening to Terence and I discussing all sorts of things, sometimes interjecting with her own thoughts, but on the whole just absorbing what we were saying. On some nights we would get marshmallows for the kids. Kayleigh would help Kiara and Lucas get theirs on a fork and help them toast theirs before getting one for herself. If Kiara's fell in the fire, k\Kayleigh would give her the one she was doing. We always got the coloured marshmallows from Allens. Kayleigh favourite one was the apricot flavoured one. When toasting her marshmallows Kayleigh was get it to catch alight and let it burn before blowing it out. She carefully ate the burnt bit and then re-toasted (burnt) the inside and then ate that. Kayleigh loved standing arounnd the fire keeping warm and helping her little sister eat burnt marshmallows.

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