Saturday, April 16, 2011


Kayleigh was a fantastic mediator. When Terence and I were arguing or disagreeing Kayleigh would talk to both of us and figure out each side of the story and then come back with a solution. Sometime she would agree with one person over the other and then she would tell the other person what she thought and the reasoning behind it. Kayleigh would always consider all aspects of a situation before making up her mind.

I remember during year 7, Kayleigh came home and told me that her friendship group had split in half because two of the girls had a argument about something stupid. Kayleigh wanted everyone to get along and for a group to hang out together. Over the next week she talked to both the girls and mediated between them. At first the girls didn't really want to know, but Kayleigh managed to talk them around. Kayleigh told them that they were both entitled to their own opinion but they had to consider what the other person was thinking and that people could get along even if they thought differently. Everyone was different and that was what made them special and unique. Kayleigh worked hard on getting her friends to get along and she managed to do it. In a way, Kayleigh was the 'glue' that held people together.

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