Monday, December 5, 2011

The turnip play

In either Kindergarten or year one, Kayleigh had the lead role in a play at the year assembly.  She was the only one that had to speak and she was chosen because she had a nice loud voice that would carry through the hall. The play was based on the story of the farmer who wanted to pull out a turnip from the ground, and it was too hard so got help (by his wife, the horse, the cat, the dog etc). Each time a new 'helper' was added Kayleigh had to yell '1,2,3'. The funny thing was that the (rather large cardboard) turnip - which was velcro'ed onto the back of a table on a sheet - kept falling off, so Kayleigh basically had to hold it steady and pretend that it wasn't about the hit the floor. Then when it was supposed to be 'pulled' out of the ground, the turnip finally stuck and Kayleigh pulled it up sheet and all. She then had to wrestled with the sheet to get the turnip off. It was all rather funny. Kayleigh took it all in her stride (some young kids would have been devastated) and laughed as well. I was proud of her.

1 comment:

  1. mum it was not kindergarten for i attended school


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