Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fundraising Chocolates - please never again

Kayleigh had lots of times where she had to sell fundraising chocolates for school, In preschool we sold 3 boxes of freddo frogs to people at my work -it seemed to go OK and I didn't mind.

However - - - in year 2, Kayleigh and Natassja were given a mixed box of malteasers, starburst sankes etc to sell at $4 a box - a total of 20 boxes in all (or $80 worth). Somehow they brought them home without Terence noticing them, and Kayleigh did not tell me that they had them to sell. I didn't find out until a week later when I was cleaning their room and found 20 EMPTY boxes of malteasers/starburst under the bed, at the back of the cupboard and in their clothes. Kayleigh and Natassja managed to eat ALL the boxes. I was horrified because now we were in debt to the school for $80 with nothing to show for it.

The school was really good about it - the poor front counter staff member was in tears of laughter when we told her, and they allowed us to pay them off. I must say, from that point on it was 'Fundraising chocolates - not thinks. Please, never again!!!!'

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Judith, that one gave me a good laugh :)


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