Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What frustrated me the most after Kayleigh passed away

When Kayleigh passed away, the first week was very difficult - won't go into it now. After that I started getting very frustrated and in fact angry at one group of people - the religious pushy people. Now don't get me wrong, I respect people with religious beliefs and have many friends that attend church regularly and none of them were an issue. They all know that I am not religious in any way (I would class myself as atheist / agnostic) but there were people on the fringes, and even people that we didn't know who would push their religion on us, at a time where it was not wanted or liked.

The first came a couple of days after Kayleigh died - before the funeral. I don't know who sent it, but I got a whole wad of pamphlets and information about God and the afterlife and how children are chosen to be angels in heaven. I took one look at it and saw red. I think that wad of paper was put in the fire that night. I was so angry that people would use my grief to push their ''message''. The weeks after saw a parade of people, some that we sort of knew through our children and some that we did not know at all, approach us. Most gave their condolences, which was appreciated, but there were the few that couldn't help themselves. We were barraged with many versions of the following:
  1. 'She's with her god now, she's in a better place'.
  2. 'God needed another angel and she was chosen'
  3. 'I've spoken to my priest and he would love to meet with you and discuss gods way'
  4. 'Although you are sad, she is with god now and she's happy, so you should be happy too'
I'm sorry to say that many times I wanted to punch these 'well meaning' people in the face. I'm sorry - 'her god???' Kayleigh wasn't religious. 'She's happy now????' Ummmmm, please explain........ and 'you're discussing me and my family personally, with your priest and I don't even know you'. I was polite and thanked them and moved on, but inside I was seething. I didn't want their religious crap (sorry, that's how I felt) and I knew that in some way that these people thought they were doing to right thing, to give us......something. But it made me stop wanting to go to places where people would know us and want to talk because I didn't want another well meaning religious discussion about how Kayleigh and god were going.

A word of advice, if someone you know experiences a tragedy like this, and you don't know if they are religious, or what religion they may follow - don't mention your religion, because you are not helping. Not at all.


  1. Yep. I agree completely. Totally inappropriate. I got a lot of it too.

  2. I agree, people should be able to grieve in their own way, without others shoving their experiences or thoughts down your throat.
    _jess chapman


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