Sunday, November 6, 2011


I have held off writing about Kayleigh and her Dad, Terence, as Tel asked me not to until he was ready.

Kayleigh didn't have anxiety, she loved the world, but her Dad suffered from severe anxiety which did mean that some of the things that Kayleigh wanted to do - like go down the coast - was not possible. Anxiety is extremely limiting for sufferers and their family but Kayleigh dealt with it with smiles and love.

In year 7, her dad was particularly bad, at one stage he had difficulties even taking the kids to school. Kayleigh was happy to go with the other kids to primary school and then jump on her bike and go to school herself, even it meant being 5 minutes late. She did this because she was helping her dad. Every day she would call him at either recess or lunch to see how he was going she always said ' Dad if it gets too bad, I'll come home for you.' She told him to call her if he wanted to, even though he never did. It was the knowledge that Kayleigh was happy to be there that made it easier. Several times when her dad had massive panic attacks before school (I had already left for work) she stayed at home to make sure that he was OK. She loved this time with her dad when the other kids were at school, helping him in the garden, or clean the house, or making him a cup of tea. Terence did feel bad about Kayleigh staying home just to make sure he was OK, but looking but he doesn't regret it - those times he had with Kayleigh were special  and he is glad he had them.

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