Thursday, January 6, 2011

School: Year 8: PE

For PE in Year 8, Kayleigh had Mr George - she was a little disappointed at first because she really wanted Ms Peachey, but Mr George was the second best so she was OK with it. Where as most girls in High School hate PE, Kayleigh loved it and was always in the fray with whatever game they were playing. Several time Kayleigh came home telling me how she had done something in PE and the other girls just sat around talking instead of participating. Kayleigh biggest thrill though was playing tackle football with the boys because none of the other girls would do it. Kayleigh even asked me to call Mr George and say it was OK for her to do it as he was a little concerned she was taking on the boys. I was told at parent teacher night in May that Kayleigh was outstanding in PE for her enthusiasm and willingness to give anything a go. Mr George was impressed that Kayleigh was competitive and would play tackle football - although he thought the boys were a little soft on her because she was a girl and they probably didn't want to hurt her or accidentally put their hands in an inappropriate spot :/ thus making it easier for Kayleigh to score a try. Kayleigh was on track to get a high A in PE dependant on an assignment that was due mid June.

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