Monday, January 31, 2011


Kayleigh was always what I would call a restless sleeper. She was a deep sleeper - nothing could wake her, but she tossed and turned all night long. As a baby she used to go to sleep on the lounge with the music up and the vacuum cleaner going. As soon as you stopped the music she would wake up and only settle when the music was back on again - maybe the two 15inch woofers behind the lounge massaged her in her sleep - she seemed to prefer it. Kayleigh was sleeping in a normal size bed at 11 months old when Natassja was born - and she never fell out - and transitioned to the top bunk bed when she was 2 - and she was very happy to be up there as she could climb up and down without a problem. As she got older, Kayleigh swapped with Natassja and took the bottom bunk and when Kiara was 1, Kayleigh got a double sized mattress and slept with her little baby sister - which she absolutely loved.

As I mentioned before Kayleigh was a restless sleeper - every night there would be thumps on the wall as she turned over and her hand (or head, or leg, or arm) hit the wall. Kayleigh always had her bed coo\mfortable - she had a doona underneath the bottom sheet to provide cushioning and comfort as well as the top doona (or two if it was winter) and two pillows for herself. She always made sure she had to most comfortable pillow, much to Natassja disgust and many arguments at night they had was over whose pillow it was, with Kayleigh winning most because she was the scariest :)

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