Thursday, June 2, 2011

Falling in the pond

In Nannys backyard, Terence helped make a nice fishpond with a small stream running into it. Nanny and Grandad put several fish in the pond and it was quite nice. One weekend we were visiting Nanny and Kayleigh had gone out into the backyard to play. Terence and Nanny went out to check on her and she had managed to get around the back of the pond and leaning over to touch the fish. Terence yelled out 'OI' and gave Kayleigh such a fright she fell head first into the pond. She came up spluttering a completely covered in small green pond plants - from head to toe - with a big lump of it on top of her head! Nanny whisked her off to the shower but had a good laugh later about the look of complete surprise of Kayleigh's face.

The pond Kayleigh fell in

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