Friday, June 10, 2011


Monica is our babysitter who Kayleigh absolutely adored. We first met her in Bunnings where she worked and she called us the 'happy family'. Kayleigh thought she was soooo cool. Monica started babysitting on a fortnightly basis when Kayleigh was 11 and every Tuesday Kayleigh would be asking us if it was the Tuesday that  Monica was babsitting. She would get so disappointed when it wasn't. When I got a new job, Monica started babysitting every week which Kayleigh thought was fantastic. When Monica pulled up in the driveway Kayleigh would run out and give her a big hug, and when she left after, Kayleigh would walk her out to the car and give her another big hug. In a way Monica was like the big sister Kayleigh didn't have. Kayleigh looked up to Monica and thought she was the best!!!

Kayleigh and Monica

Monica, Kayleigh and Natassja

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