Friday, August 19, 2011

Glass half full, or half empty

Was Kayleigh an optimist or a pessimist? I think anyone who knew her would have known that she was definitely an optimist. Kayleigh always tried to stay happy and think about the positive things and attempt to make sure that negative things did not get her down.

Sometimes when things went wrong, Kayleigh would be there saying 'it's OK, you can try again/ it doesn't matter etc' and try to make me laugh. When I made redundant  in 2007, I was also an optimist and her dad was the pessimist - and Kayleigh told him not to worry because mum would find a new job soon and everything would be OK (I was only out of work for 7 weeks). When I was cranky and frustrated at the kids , Kayleigh would tell me to go in another room, sit down and have a cup of tea. She would tell the other kids to settle down because mum was getting cross and then she would bring me a tea and tell me the although the kids were being ratty they still loved me and it could be worse - they could have broken the TV (or something equally stupid) and bring a smile to my face. She always found the silver lining in those clouds.

It's not to say that Kayleigh sometimes didn't get down and pessimistic about some aspects, but overall she was an optimist - a sunny little girl that brought positive thinking to alot of people.

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