Sunday, September 4, 2011

Father's day

Father's day has come again, this years has turned out better than last years, which is good for Terence.

Father's day was one of those days that Kayleigh tried to make special for her dad. Every year she would get excited and make father's day cards in advance and try and get the other kids to sign them. One year, she got Terence a box of Lindt chocolate balls (which were his favourite at the time) and attempted to do the right thing by making daddy a cup of coffee in bed with a plate of lindt balls. In her attempt to be wonderful she had un-wrapped the lindt balls before presenting them. I don't think Terence could have managed to eat 10 lindt balls with his coffee that morning . . . .  .

In year 7, fathers day occurred when Kayleigh had metal work at school and being her, she made him a Father's Day card using metal. She spent a couple of days cutting it is size and trimming the corners and then bending it. They didn't have an engraver at school she could use so she brought it home and scratched 'Daddy' on the front and the wrote her message on a post-it note and stuck it inside. Terence keeps his card in his shed to look at when he feels like it. Kayleigh's card will never break down or tear - it will last forever.

1 comment:

  1. See, another bit of proof that she was beautiful and i remember her writing was impecable. Love Jess Chapman


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