1. Her dressing gown - Nanny bought her this for Easter the last year and she wore it every night before bed and most mornings before she got dressed. It's soft and smells like her still.
3. The picture Kayliegh drew for me for Christmas when she was in pre-school. I had it at work with me since then and used to look at it every day.
4. Her Leluu towel she won in Year 7 for doing the most exercise activities in a period.
5. The wheat pillow she made in Kindergarten for Mother's day. I have never ever used it but it reminds me of her.
Probably some of her favourite things, when you think about it some of those things show kayleighs personality, pink and fluffy, birght rainbows, drawings of suns and flowers- all show the beautiful person she was. Jess Chapman