Friday, February 18, 2011

Covering Books

Another year, another load of school books to cover. Last year Kayleigh covered the school books in secret for two reasons - 1. to help me and 2. she had never ever done it before and wanted to have a go.

I must say she didn't do a bad job either - she covered her books, Lucas' books and Terry's books. She even do some of Natassja's. Kayleigh did stuff a few and make them all crinkly, but she tried to swap these with the ones that Natassja had done perfectly but they got into a huge argument which ended with me threatening to throw all their school books in the bin!

I had never really let Kayleigh cover her books previously as I knew what a pain in the arse job it was and I didn't want my kids get as frustrated as I did when I had to do it. I hate contact - - - with a passion. Kayleigh somehow had the knack of doing it it well without swearing at it. I do remember however one year I bought Kayleighs and Natassja contact early and then they found it and played sword fights with it. By the time I had there books to cover it was next to impossible! Kayleigh spent a lot of time that year popping the bubbles on her books!

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