Monday, July 11, 2011

Friends thoughts

Over the last year I have received or read many thoughts of Kayleigh from her friends. I thought it would be nice to put some of them on here. Some have been emailed to me, put on her FaceBook page, or people just telling me. WE all know that people (especially teenage girls) have a 'home' persona and a 'school' persona and its allowed me to see what she was like at school with her friends.

Donna: Goodbye Kayleigh. You were a lovely young girl, a bright and energetic personality. You impacted all that knew you, and you will be sadly missed in our little Calwell High School community

Jess: I will miss talking to her in canteen and just our random little conversations. This girl was truly beautiful and never forgotten.. I miss you sweetheart..

Zoe: There Are So many Thing i Could Say To You, You Were A Beautiful Kind Giving And Very Thoughtful Girl. You Were the Little Sunshine Of Everyones Day. You have A Heart Of Gold, Your Parents Would Be Very proud Of You. They have Raised An Amazing Young Girl. 0It Was Not Your Time To pass,, But I know That You Will be A Beautiful Angel. Watching Down on All of Us,, And Making Sure Everyone Is Well And Safe. You Are Someone Very Special TO me and I Will Never Forget You,, You have Been Printed Into My heart. I Love You Always And Forever. You Beautiful Girl
Shannee:  You were such a beautiful girl with a smile that lightened up the room. you were never mean to a soul and always cheered people up

Ryan: i never really knew you, but you were a beautiful girl who will never be forgotten.
It isnt fair that this should happen, that such a young innocent girl should pass away like this. You will will be greatly missed by all even by those who didnt know you.

Jess: Hey Kayleigh, missing you like crazy, of course. I saw this movie today and the main theme in it, was loving what you have and who you have, and loving it while you've got it. I think yours and my friendship with eachother did exactly that. The last four or five days before you passed on where the some of the best in my life because were just us, regardless of what anyone thought. I loved the fact that makeup wasnt for you, your best feature, was your smile. All girls should be like that. Everyone thought you were beautiful inside and out. Thats how you will be held in our hearts. A beautiful friend. I knew as soon as we became friends that i just had to be me. To be a perfect person in this world, all you had to do was reflect you. I love you so much, and we all miss you with all our hearts.

PJ: kayleigh was a good girl she loved her work and she loved people around her its just sad she had to go so early it was a tragtey u had to go but like people say lifesfaget them good times we all had togther every body and calwell high miss u R.I.P KAYLEIGH STAMP we will miss u forever and always in our hearts forever life goes on but memories never go away

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