Saturday, July 30, 2011

Growing up pigeon toed

When Kayleigh started walking we noticed that her right foot turned in a loooooong way and her left foot also turned in ( although not as much) so she was quite pigeon toed. We took her to the doctors and ask what we should do. Dr Reading was a great doctor (pity he retired) and he did a full check up and paid particular attention to the muscles in her feet and ankles and lower legs. Kayleigh's pigeon toes where not because she had issues with her muscles or joint formation, it was the way she taught herself to balance. The doctor told us not to worry because it wasn't effecting the way she walked or ran.

Kayleigh didn't notice her pigeon toes much, it didn't make any difference to her and no-one actually noticed (i mean who looks at your feet?!). By the time she got to being a teenager, you couldn't really notice that she was pigeon toed at all as her balance was alot better but it was noticeable when she got tired her foot turned in more. She also wore out the outside of her shoe more on the right foot because of the extra pressure applied on that side.

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