Saturday, July 2, 2011

Remembering Kayleigh

Over the last year several people, including ourselves, have done many thing to remember Kayleigh and the way she was. I started this blog and her Facebook page. Many of her friends also started Facebook pages. Many of her friends still write messages to her on her page which is lovely.

For her birthday last year we didn't not do anything as the pain and loss was still too much for us, but we are thinking of getting some chinese sky lanterns to release on her birthday (although we may not be able to get them) . . .'Tangled' style. On the anniversary of her passing we released balloons on the oval at her school and about 50 people turned up, which was nice for us as people were still thinking of her.

Everyday I look at her picture which I keep next to my computer at work, and think about what she might be like now, a year older, coming up to her 15th birthday, what she might have done at school as electives - I think it would have been woodwork and maybe media, who knows . . .  .She would have also now been eagerly awaiting September when she was to be 14 and 9 months, the age you have to be a get a job. That was a day she had been looking forward to since she was about 10. Kayleigh had such big plans for her life.

Sometimes I feel her watching me from her bedroom doorway - maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me - but it really feels like she is standing there like she always did, a smile on her face, looking at what I was doing. Sometimes it feels like it was all a dream, maybe she never existed at all, and sometimes it feels like she is about to walk in the door from school and give me a big hug like she always did when I got home.

I will remember Kayleigh for the rest of my life, and it does make it feel better when I know other people are remembering her too.


  1. I really like this post. It shows the little things that Kayleigh did that make her who she is. Kayleigh was a beautiful person and she will remain that way to all of us, forever and always. I Love you Kayleigh
    -Love Jess Chapman

  2. it just goes to prove that Kayleigh never really left! her spirit still lingers around the house and she will always be there to watch over you <3

    you may have guessed who wrote this but just incase xx a xx


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