Monday, November 22, 2010


Kayleigh believed in ghosts and though that we had a ghost in our house because some of the unexplainable things that sometimes happened. First the computer turned on by itself. Then Terence's battery razor turned on in the middle of the night, when I went the check on it, I turned the light on and it turned off, and then when I turned the light off, it turned back on again. A remote fell off a shelf and then when it was put on the shelf it immediately fell off again. Lastly, Kayleigh was standing on one of our stools (the type that you can ajust the height) and it went up all by itself with Kayleigh on it.

Since Kayleigh died, there had been two instances of unexplained thing, both with nerf guns. We have the battery powered Nerf 'Machine gun' and one time Terry was cleaning up his room and it shot him in the bum with no-one around him. It paused and then shot him until there was no bullets left. The second time, a different Nerf gun was sitting on Kayleigh's bed and started shooting when no-one was in the room.

1 comment:

  1. wow, do you think kayleigh did the thing with the nerf gun? and i remember that both me and kayleigh belived in ghosts and we pretended that they were all around us at school and we pretended to see them and we would just talk for ages about ghosts and disterbances :) and kayleigh said i was the first one to know about the electric razor [ well apart from you guys ofcourse] <3
    alexandra/ A.A xxx


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