Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Politic never played a big role in our house - probably for long time I was the only one that could vote until Terence became an Australian Citizen  just before the election that Mr Rudd won.

Kayleigh was doing a course on Australian Politics in Year 8 and it was then that she started asking about and having conversations about politics. She was working on an assignment for a board game for SoSE based on politics and the courts which was due the day she died.

When Kayleigh passed away, Kevin Rudd was still the PM and Tony Abbott the opposition leader and she talked to me one day about her feelings on the two men. Kayleigh thought that Mr Rudd was OK, but he seemed to spend more time out of the country than in it. Kayleigh thought he was doing a good job in spending money on education and some more on health but could do more about important things like ambulances and police  - which I then had to tell her was a state responsibility. Kayleigh did not like Mr Abbott at all - she thought he looked like a used car salesmen and she didn't like his views on women. Kayleigh thought that he should never be PM.

I don't know where she got these views from - as I said we don't discuss politics at home....I wonder what she would have made of Ms Gillard?

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