Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Her Last Week

The last week that Kayleigh was alive was probably the best week that we had as a family - everything seemed to be going great. The weekend before the hyperdome was having some sort of promotional things and we all got free hot chocolates and Jelly Belly Jelly beans. Terence and Kayleigh (and me) worked together to get the frame of the carport up - in some very wet weather - but it was good.

On the Monday, Kayleigh went to school and had a great time - she had to talk to Mrs Thompson about her Biome assignment and the fact that Mrs Thompson had missed two marks - meaning Kayleigh got the joint top mark in Year 8 for the assignment.

On the Tuesday, Kayleigh had the day off as she had been awake with her asthma overnight. She helped her dad put the roof on the car port. She walked with the other kids down to the school and watched Terry come first in the round the oval race. Terence showed Kayleigh how to do a 'death drop' off the monkey bars and she was so excited when she did it. When I found out I told not to do it by herself as it is dangerous - you could fall wrong, break your neck and die. Kayleigh promised she would only do it with her dad around.

On the Wednesday, Kayleigh went to school but came home at lunch time - she had sent her dad a text message saying 'Dad I feel like im going to pass out'. Terence rang her and told her to come home. I also had a half day at work that day as I was felling flu'ey. Terence had the flu too and felt aches and pains.
That night we had a babysitter (Monica) come around and Terence and I went down the club and had a great diner and won $33 on the pokies. We rented two movies one which we watched when we got home 'Armoured'. Kayleigh did her usual trick of getting Kiara to sleep and then sneaking out and watching the movie. I caught her several times and each time she would get up and run back to her room. At the end of the movie she came around the corner and gave both me and Terence a big hug and said good night. That was the last time Terence spoke with her (whilst actually awake). Kayleigh woke me up around 3:30/4 with her asthma playing up again. We found a paper bag to use as a spacer and Kayleigh said she felt better and I went back to bed. That was the last time I spoke with her.

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