Saturday, October 30, 2010

Building the Deck

Kayleigh loved helping her dad build things and at the start of Year 7, she helped her dad build our deck.

Kayleigh helped by finding the right lengths of the merbau and holding it when Terence was drilling the pilot holes. She had a go at using the drill to put in the screws and helped me with lining up the bards when they were warped. Kayleigh made sure that the screws and nails were available straight away when we needed them.

When all the boards were down Kayleigh helped sand it and do the finishing - all she wanted was to be involved - and she was.

Kayleigh and the deck

Friday, October 29, 2010

Memory: Katie Collins

This post was written by Katie Collins - Kayleigh's aunt on Terences side.
I remember walking into the birthing room at Canberra Hospital and zoning in on little Kayleigh.  Right away I noticed how amazingly good looking she was for a newborn baby.  In fact, I was so blown away by how good looking she was, I could not stop commenting on it.  Most babies are fairly blotchy after birth; sleepy.  But this baby was so clean it was if she'd been through a dry cleaner.  The only evidence of her recent birth was a tiny blotch of blood on her head;  in all other respects she looked as though she'd been dropped in through the ceiling into the world, and not gone through a normal birth at all.  Her complexion was perfect - that struck me.  It was perfectly even all over.  And she had a lovely skin colour, it really hit me - like palest of pale honey, and smooth, like velvet.  She had the loveliest rose bloom in each cheek, a little blush, like a painting.  Her face did not have a single mark upon it, not a single one, and her head was beautifully shaped, like what you would expect of a ceasarean birth.  Her eyes were wide open and she was wide awake and very aware.  I'm not sure if this was because Judith had no drugs in birth or not, but I was very struck by how "aware" this baby was for a newborn.  No sleepy looks, she stared right into my face, wide awake, and definitely seeing me.  As I looked upon her face I was struck by what an absolutely gorgeous looking baby she was.  In all my experiences with other newborns, generally they looked like - well newborns, unless they were your own.  Nothing special, usually tired and blotchy looking!  but THIS newborn had these wide open clear eyes, staring into mine like an old soul, and this perfect complexion, with the most amazingly good looking face I had ever (and have ever since) seen in a baby.  I was so struck by how good looking she was I could not stop talking about it, for her entire life.  To this day, I have never seen a baby (or young child) so perfect.  Every feature was amazingly perfect, in symmetry, and SO pretty; I will always remember Kayleigh as the prettiest newborn baby I had ever seen in my entire life.  throughout her babyhood and toddler years she remained absolutely gorgeous.  She looked like a perfect little Dresden doll to me.  Big eyes, amazing cheekbones, wide smile - I always commented on her looks, I couldn't get over what an extremely pretty child she was; As she got older, her looks struck me more and more - she became, to me, to be the most unusually beautiful children I had ever seen.  To me she looked like a perfect little fairy, and she had something "elfin" about her.  She looked "otherworldly" to me.  I always imagined her with wings on her back and a wand in her hand.  I used to call her "elf" when I saw her and she always laughed (probably politely thinking I was crazy.)  I did not see her for three years, from 7 to 10.  When I saw her again, I was even more caught up in her fairy tale book look.  Not only did she look good, but she was also lovely in her attitude.  Polite and funny, she loved treats and whenever she got one, I noticed she always shared it with her brothers and sisters.  I saw she loved dogs, as I do, and made a great fuss of mine, and this warmed me (and in those days I was hard to warm.)  Alissa took to her immediately and wanted to 'give her everything'.  She dug out clothes, shoes, bags.  She always loved her and asked to see her.  We both agreed she looked and acted exactly like a fairy! Alissa saw in her what I did, something very 'otherworldly' about her.  I don't know what it was.  but it was something very special, an "otherness" from everyone else. 

My mother remembers Kayleigh as the carer of her brothers and sisters, carefully doling out treats she'd given to them so they could all nibble and share equally.  She never grabbed or took more.  She doled everything out and they all nibbled in delight.  I remember the last time I saw her that Terence pointed out how big her feet were, and that perhaps that meant she would be very tall, and when I checked them out I realised he was right, she DID have really big feet!  And I do wonder if maybe Kayleigh was going to be very tall and willowy when she was an adult.  I can picture her quite perfectly as an adult; I don't think her face would have changed dramatically, but I do think her cheekbones and overall 'elfin" look would have become even more apparent and probably made her seem a lot younger than everyone. 

I think as a woman Kayleigh Stamp would have been breathtaking, enough to be a model.  Because she "had something" special to her looks.  that certain zing, not conventional, something else.  Last time we all spoke, she was coy about a boy at school.  I'm sorry I never got to know her better and didn't get the chance to be the aunt I would have liked to have been.  I wish I had of.  Maybe what I saw in Kayleigh way back then was in fact that she looked like an "angel". :) I certainly never saw her act in any way but positive and lovely in the entire time I knew her.  she BEAMED goodness.  that will always be true.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Memory: Alexandra Crouch

This post is written by Alexandra Crouch
Kayleigh was an amazing, adventurous, kind, loving, caring, forgiving, artistic young lady.  Kayleigh was my best friend and also a really good mentor to young kids. Kayleigh taught me many things like; judo, how to climb trees fast, how to draw things really well and most of all how to be a good friend. I have been friends with kayleigh for a long time and in that time me and kayleigh came to realize that we acted more and more like sisters everyday, kayleigh and I would fight like sisters have arguments like sisters and also be very helpful to one another like sisters would but we also loved one another [ like best friends and sisters]. I remember when Kayleigh, Natassja, Tayla and me were trying to figure out nicknames for one another, and Kayleigh piped up and said well this was a nickname that me and my old friend called each other but I think it is quite cool, so me, Tassj and Tayla looked at her and said "what are they kayleigh?"  and kayleigh said well, I can be K.K, Alexandra you can be A.A, Natassja you can be N.N and Tayla you can be T.T! We all thought about the nicknames and I turned to Kayleigh and smiled "I like them, I think that they are cool" I said and everyone else agreed. We have called each other those names ever since I can remember. Kayleigh was a great friend and always will be. Kayleigh and I are monkey buddies as we always climbed tree's together, especially this tree in particular, it was the tree where we would separate [ she would go up the hill to her house and I would keep on the path], kayleigh and I would get to the top of it which was really cool. When we were in primary school there were always days where I wouldn't feel like eating my custard or something and kayleigh would come by remove it from my lunch box and say " thank you A.A" and we would both laugh about it afterwards.
When kayleigh was starting high school she was a bit nervous at first but after a couple of days she was telling me how many friends she had made and how awesome the teachers were and everything. Kayleigh would always tell me about this one teacher; Mr Haidon, she absolutely adored him, she told me how funny he was and that she dragged him all the way into good guys to show him of a mistake he had made.
Kayleigh was always teaching me on how to be an even better friend than I was. Me and Kayleigh after a long period of time realized that we both struggled on the same subjects, MATHS we both hated it and found it very difficult and confusing.
Kayleigh was my best friend and a very loyal and true friend as well, I loved her so much [in a friend way] and looked up to her for advice many times. It will be hard getting used to her not being around anymore but I will always remember her as my best friend and a very talented girl, she was absolutely amazing and warm hearted.
You are still my bestie K.K and don't forget it

Favourite TV shows

We don't watch a lot of TV in our house mainly because of the home theatre system and the fac that there is NOTHING on TV. Kayleigh did have some fovourite TV shows, which she watched when they were on:
  • Doctor Who - Kayleigh liked David Tennent and Billie Piper and didn't mind 'Donna'. She didn't really get into the new doctor.
  • Merlin
  • Avatar - the last airbender
  • Winx
  • Top Gear UK (absolute favourite as she watched it with her dad)
  • Total Wipeout
  • Deal or No Deal (Cause I watched it and we always tried to guess the bankers offers)
  • The Simpsons
  • The Big Bang Theory - although she was only just getting into it when she died.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

School: Year 3

In Year 3, Kayleigh had the formidable Ms Gow - now don't get me wrong, Ms Gow is a fantastic teacher and a really nice person, but the students she had respected her and they did not play up. Ms Gow retired a couple of years ago and still does relief work at Theodore and all the students still fear her!

Kayleigh had a great year 3 - she went on camp for the first time to Kianinny - which is down at the coast where she went kayaking and swimming. I think those 3 days were much harder on Terence than it was on Kayleigh :)

Kayleigh did her homework tasks quite happily - because they were fun! One of the tasks was to make a model of a movie character - Kayleigh chose the Gingerbread Man from Shrek  - so we made a cake, cut it into the shape and iced it appropriately. When she took it in the next day everyone was impressed and Ms Gow told her it was fantastic. I think the other students though so as they all started doing cakes and biscuits things for the model.

Kayleigh did a diorama of a Harry Potter scene - the quidditch match in the Prisoner of Azkaban wher Harry is chased by dementors. She made clouds from cotton wool balls and strung up the demetors - it looked quite good.

Year 3 was also the year that she had a falling out with the person who was to later become her biggest bully.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Family: Terry

Kayleigh was 4 when Terry was born - the year she started preschool. Terry and Kayleigh had a good brother sister relationship that was recently starting to evolve into a more mature one. Although they argued and fought - and  do mean fought - with fists and things (which Kayleigh won), they did have a mutual respect for each other.

Kayleigh was our sporty child - flexible and fast. Terry is our brainy one - he loves maths and science - he was doing fractions in Year 1. Terry loved to race Kayleigh around the backyard, or down to school, and always lost. Kayleigh was not good at maths, and so she used Terry's ability - by getting him to do her maths homework. I still remember her giving Terry a sheet of algebra earlier in the year and telling him if h couldn't do it he was no good at maths. He complete it and Kayleigh got 100% on her homework task. Naughty girl.

At the funeral, Terry recounted how he had told Kayleigh that the brakes on his bike were really good and if you braked too hard the back wheel would come off the ground. Kayleigh didn't believe him and she tried it out herself. She pedalled round the backyard getting up speed and slammed the brake on. The bike went up on the front wheel, almost to 60 degrees and it almost toppled over. Kayleighs face was priceless!

Terry misses Kayleigh alot - she has always been there for him. The last thing he said to her was goodnight. and he remembers being pissed off at her the night before because she wanted him to do something he didn't want to and they had an argument.
On top of Tuggeranong reserve
Natassja, Mum, Kayleigh, Kiara, Terry, Dad and Lucas

Monday, October 25, 2010


Kayleigh was very forgiving to all people that she knew. We always brought her up to be nice to everyone, no matter what they were like. Terence told Kayleigh to be extra nice to people that were nasty to her as it disarmed them and gave them nothing to be nasty about. We told her to think about not what the nasty people were saying but the reason why they might be saying it - they might not even be lashing out at her,  they might be having a bad day or something might be going wrong at home or something.

There was only one person that Kayleigh would never forgive. A girl that bullied Natassja and to some extent Kayleigh - it was physical bullying (not just verbal) and the only reason we could conclude about why was that this girl thought it was fun. Kayleigh could never forgive this.

Kayleigh biggest bully from primary school, Kayleigh would still be nice to and talk to when we saw her at the shops. She didn't have to like her, but there was no reason to be nasty herself.

Kayleigh somehow could forgive people for what they did, something that I wish I could do, to be  better person. To forgive people for their faults and see the good in to not hold grudges.

In the last couple of months before Kayleighs death, she had a falling out with two people in her friendship group "H and S" - the reason was rather silly - it started in PE when they were playing touch football - Kayleigh said 'Pass the ball to me so we can get a try' and one of these girls took that to man 'you're too slow, i'm faster so you can't score' (or something like that). Then later in the game, the other girl was complaining of a grass allergy and they all suggested that she rinse her arms in water. as they were on the Calwell ovals there was no water close by - they started getting a bit silly saying - you need a river, or a lake or the ocean. Kayleigh piped up and said 'Just use the storm water drain ' (as a joke) and the girl who initially was pissed at Kayleigh turned around and said 'Nice one Kayleigh, you just want her to drown'. H and S then walked off. H especially turned nasty - she told people that Kayleigh had AIDS (which also meant I had a great conversation with Kayleigh about what AIDs was) and pretended o push her in front of a car at the end of school. She deliberately bumped into her between classes and made fun of her weight.

What did Kayleigh do about this. after talking about it with us, she ignored the behaviour for a few weeks to let the emotions settle. Then when she saw H or S by themselves she would say Hi and smile then keep going. Kayleigh realised that H had alot going o in he life outside of school and some of this might be related to how she was acting. Kayleigh chose not to hold a grudge or to be nasty. She chose to settle things down and find a way to at least be civil to each other. They had got to he 'Hi, how are you' stage when Kayleigh died.

The one thing that stood out after is that the people who had been nasty to Kayleigh have now realised that they can't take it back - they can't say sorry for what they did. H came up to me after the funeral and said that she was sorry - the things they were fighting over was just because she wanted someone to be angry at - she had chosen to be angry at Kayleigh for little reason and now she couldn't take back that time. I must say I wasn't really impressed and told her to think about Kayleigh next time she just wanted to be angry at someone for no reason ( I am not as good as Kayleigh at forgiveness) and then re-think about what she was doing because sometimes you do things that you can't take back ever.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Final Photos

Here are the last photos we haveof Kayleigh when she was still 'alive'.

1st May 2010 - the last photo I took before Kayleigh collapsed

Kayleigh - 7:52pm. All of the drip lines and machines are still on.
Kayleigh - 7:51pm. Natassja took ths pic

8:18pm - very last photo.
After this they started disconnecting everything

Friday, October 22, 2010

Family: Lucas

Kayleigh and Lucas' bond is probably the hardest to define. Lucas was only 6 when Kayleigh died. Kayleigh was 7 when Lucas was born. Lucas still wakes up every morning ad thefirst thing he says is 'Kayleigh - I love you' and he stated quite angrily after Kayleigh died that he wanted to go to heaven and punch God in the face for what he did.

Kayleigh and Lucas got on, as a younger brother / oldest sister usually does. Kayleigh did not have to same bond with Lucas as she did with Kiara but she did care alot about her littlest brother and tried to help him hen he let her. Lucas is stubborn - if he doesn't want to do something then he won't - he digs himself in and will not give ground. Kayleigh was good at negotiating with him, to try and get him to do things he didn't want to. Kayleigh talked him into getting dressed i the mornings for school (Lucas did not like his kindergarten teacher and refused to go). She got him to read his home readers - I think she bribed him - and she got him to help clean his room.

Lucas loved Mario Kart Wii and Super Mario Bros and Kayleigh would spend time with Lucas helping him unlock new characters and karts and finishing levels - I think that is the memory that Lucas has of Kayleigh and the ones that I think define their relationship - Kayleigh and Lucas playing the Wii, with Kayleigh patiently waiting for Lucas to catch up so he could 'win' the race and Kayleigh being quite happy to let him.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

School: Year 2

For year 2, Kayleigh had Ms Sellers for a teacher and she was fantastic. Kayleigh reading and maths improved. Kayleigh also made a couple of friends. There were worrying incidents though. Kayleigh was pinned down on the ground by a boy for reasons we never found out. Kayleigh also one day pulled out all of her eye lashes - again we never found out why.

Kayleigh also had a new brother at home - Lucas - as well as Natassja in Year 1 and Terry who was still at home. It was an uneventful year at school and there is nothing about ti that really stands out. Kayleigh loved school and she loved going.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Favourite Food :)

Kayleigh was skinny (genetics) but she loved food. I really didn't realise how much she ate until she was no longer here.

Kayleigh liked a lot of different things, we never really let them have lollies or chips or junk food, and as she got older she realised that those sorts of things weren't healthy and n her quest to be healthy, she started avoiding them too.Although she did go too far and refused to eat Jam sandwiches because Jam is high in sugar - so Mr Haidon and I came up with a plan that the canteen at school would make her salad sandwiches - that way we could make sure she was eating her lunch and she was happy she was eating healthy.

Kayleighs favourite foods were (not in any order):
  • Spaghetti ( see Jess Chapmans Spaghetti Girl )
  • Roast pork - especially crackling - Kayleigh would take the crackling off the pork when it was still in the oven - one time she ate almost 60% of the crackling before it was cooked.
  • Zappos -strawberry flavoured
  • Salad sandwiches - or as Kaylegh said 'Healthy sandwiches'
  • Pasta - anything with pasta - pasta bake, lasagna
  • Brussel Sprouts (I hate them, Kayleigh liked them ewwwwwww!)
  • Fruit - all types f fruit. I think she would have had at least 4 pieces of fruit a day
  • Tic Tacs - Citrus flavoured
  • Chuppa Chups - Strawberries and cream
  • BBQ's

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Being Silly- short video

This is a short (7 secs) video that Kayleigh did on her phone on the 30th April 2010 -Shows her an Natassja at  their best :)

Silver Jacket

Kayleigh was given a silver jacket by her nanny at the age of 3. Nanny had originally bought the jacket when she in England for Kayleighs cousin who is 4 year older, but she didn't want it.

When Kayleigh first got the jacket is went down to her feet - it was that big - but she wore it everytime it rained. Kayleigh wore it from pre-school up until it fell apart around year 5. I must say it was very well made to last that long!
Kayleigh - her silver jacket, Natassja at Jenolan caves
Kayleigh and Natassja - Rainforest Gully - Tidbinbilla

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Family: Kiara

Kiara is Kayleigh's youngest sister. She was born just after Kayleigh turned 9. Kayleigh and Kiara - my K girls - were very close, even with the large age difference. Kiara and Kayleigh shared a double bed since Kiara was about 14 months old. Kayleigh had no issue is changing her nappies or helping feed Kiara when she was little - She liked feeding Kiara as Kayleigh also liked to eat the baby food as well - like the apples so one for Kiara, one for Kayleigh. Kayleigh was also the first person Kiara would go toilet for when we were toilet training her.

As Kiara grew up, Kayleigh helped her to talk and walk - Kiara initially could only say 'Ay-e' for Kayleigh. Kayleigh doted on Kiara. Kayleigh loved playing with Kiara with her My Little Ponies and singing silly songs. She helped Kiara on the trampoline and riding her bike. Kayleigh was also the only one to help Kiara play Mario Kart on the Wii, even though Kiara really was not old enough to do it, Kayleigh helped her by steering the wii remote and Kiara would press the buttons - Kiara always played as Princess Peach.

Every morning, Kiara got Kayleigh to help her find her shoes and brush her hair. Kayleigh always go Kiara to go to sleep at night - sometimes by singing to her, and sometimes by scaring her by saying - 'if you get out of beds the rats will get you' (at that stage Kiara had Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure and she was scared of the rats in the movie). Kiara adored Kayleigh.

Everyday Kiara says 'I love Kayleigh' and every couple of days, out of the blue, Kiara will say "I want my Kayleigh back" and she looks so sad . . . .

Kayleigh and Kiara - 25th April 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Memory: Peta Charnock

This below message was written by Peta Charnock - Kayleigh's friend from Calwell High.

I met Kayleigh at school.
We hung out at school sometimes.
We had fun at the Athletics carnival at Banks oval. We had Fun. We did shotput, javalin and long jump. It was a good day
and Kayleigh did well too!! She is really good at sports!!!
I am proud Kayleigh.....
We had fun, talking and hanging out.
I really miss Kayleigh especially sharing hugs - She is 'Funny girl'.

School: Year 1

Kayleigh had Mrs Richardson for Year 1 - it was an combined year 1/2 class which was interesting. Mrs Richardson was an OK teacher but she didn't like talking to parents so it was hard to figure out what was going on.

I remember that year Kayleigh got excited because she got to have HOMEWORK!!!!! If only that enthusiasm stuck in the later years. One of her homework tasks was to create an Australia themed tri-rama (like  diorama but with three sides). Kayleigh did an outback scene by glueing sand to the bottom then sticking pictures of gum trees and kangaroos to it. It was pretty good. In class she had to write a story about it, and I was told it was how the mother kangaroo was trying to cross the river to get to her joey.

Kayleigh also had to make up jokes to tell the class for a homework task - I am sad to say that she wasn't very good at it. Her teacher asked me what they meant as she didn't get it.

Kayleigh's reading was still a struggle in Year 1 - she was almost finished the year and was still on reader level 6 when suddenly it finally clicked and she went to level 11 in about 3 weeks at the very end of term.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Parent Teacher Interviews

I went to parent teacher interview on Thursday at Calwell High - and as soon s I walked in the door I knew I shouldn't have been there. The last time I was there for parent teacher interview Kayleigh was till around. All my emotions came to the surface and as soon as I saw Tassja's first teacher (Mr Greig) I wanted to get out of there. Mr Greig had also taught Kayleigh and he was so understanding of Natassja situation. I saw Ms Peachey and I started crying :'( .. then unfortunately I had an interview with a teacher that Natassja doesn't get along with - afterwards I was in tears. I was trying to explain how Natassja was feeling at the moment and he wanted to ascertain if Natassja was 'ready' to be pushed - if she was far enough over it to get pressured to do her work. Thank you Mr Haidon and the other teacher who came to see how I was - all I wanted to do is get out of there.
Anyway - this blog is about Kayleigh and I always had enjoyed going to her parent teacher interviews as her teachers never had anything bad to say about her - they obviously didn't know her too well (just joking). all of her comments from Kindergarten to Year 8 were about how pleasant she was to teach, how much she interacted with the class, paid attention and tried her best. allot of her teachers suggested that if they had a class of Kayleighs to teach then teaching would be a real pleasure and easy as she just wanted to learn and didn't give the teachers any crap. Mr Mack, this year commented how Kayleigh and Natassja - off their own back - cleaned his classroom one lunch time - tidied the desks and cleaned the board - He said he had the best classroom for weeks after that :) Mr Mack also commented that Kayleigh let the whole class use her connector pens - even though they ruined them - He said that Kayleigh was OK with it and he was going to replace them for her. Unfortunately she died before he did.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Favourite Movies

Kayleigh loved watching movies - she would sneakout at night and sit beside the side of thelounge where we couldn't see her and watch movies that maybe she shouldn't have. the last movie she saw was 'Armoured' - on that we had rented on the Wednesday night and she snuck out to watch.

I havw grouped the movies into one she liked as a child and ones she liked recently.

Movies Kayleigh liked as a child - and we would have to watch over and over and over again
  • Dragonheart
  • Hercules (Disney)
  • The little Mermaid
  • A Bug's Life
  • Monsters Inc
  • Teletubbies
Movies Kayligh liked recently - as a teenager 'kiddy movies' are forbidden  :)
  • Titanic
  • Iron Man
  • Terminator Salvation
  • Avatar (one of the rare movies she saw at the cinema)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Lord of the rings
  • Armageddon
  • StarDust
  • Braveheart
  • Get Smart
Movies Kayleigh wanted to see but never did:
  • The Tooth Fairy (this is first movie we saw after Kayleigh died)
  • Iron Man 2
  • Toy Story 3
  • Alice in Wonderland
  • Clash of the Titans

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

School: Kindergarten

Kayleigh went to Theodore Primary, and for Kindergarten her teacher's name was Mrs Tonna. Kayleigh was so excited on her first day of school - she had a new dress and shoes and lunch box. 2001 was a big year in her young life - she started Kindergarten, Natassja started Pre-school and Terry was born so she had a younger brother.

Kayleigh struggled somewhat with learning how to read, she only got to level 4 by the end of Kindergarten - not that she wasn't interested, she just seemed to find it difficult. Also making things harder was Natassja was using her home readers and teaching herself to read. Natassja started school the next year at level 6 - two levels higher than Kayleigh was at.

Maths also she struggled after learning the basic numbers - she found it difficult to see patterns in numbers - something she did not get from me  :)

For Mother's Day that year, I received a plaster circle - painted green - with the words 'I love my mum because I just do'. I was starting to think that Kayleigh could not think of any other reason.

Kayleigh played mainly with a girl called Meredith that year and she seemed happy , as most kindy kids are. Kayleigh wore out the back of her dress that year - so she started wearing a netball skirt with a yellow shirt.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Thoughts of Kayleigh: Shaun Haidon

The below post was written by Shaun Haidon - Kayleigh's Year co-ordinator at Calwell High, and her Year 7 English and SoSE teacher. This is a copy of what Shaun wrote for (and read at) Kayleigh's funeral.

For those who don’t know me, my name is Shaun Haidon. I am the Year 8 Co-ordinator at Calwell High School and have known Kayleigh since 2008 when she was in Year 6 at Theodore Primary. I was her SOSE and English Teacher in Year 7.

As a teacher, you enter the profession with the responsibility of guiding and encouraging young people to strive for excellence, to respect themselves and others and to make responsible decisions for the future.

You start the school year with the duty to advance the learning of students in your care, and ensure they eventually leave being wiser and more caring, conscientious citizens who have the tools to change the world for the better.

As a teacher, you never expect, that you will ever have to say goodbye to one of your students in this way.

Kayleigh had a gorgeous smile - in listening to others talk about Kayleigh, they always spoke about how she would always smile. Walking down the corridor, chatting, in class, at lunch time, always smiling.

Kayleigh had energy which knew no bounds. She was a vibrant student who thrived at Calwell, participating in every activity, class discussion, excursion, and practical experiment with outstanding effort.

She was very competitive and always wanted to do better than the previous time around. I remember in SOSE while learning about the life of a Spartan warrior, she would beat everyone else in the class in our Spartan training activities, she had the boys running in fear when it came to the sparring.

At other times, I would get 'humphs' or a rolling of the eyes if she ever got less than an A in her assessment. But this was all rectified next time round. Next time round, it was always perfect, and she made sure you knew it!

Kayleigh was friendly to everyone, and was extremely helpful and caring. She had many friends, evidenced by the number of people here today. Yes Terence and Judith, we all loved your little Kayleigh. Everyone has something positive to say about her.

Kayleigh was a fitness fanatic. She would tell me all about her dads home gym, and her plan to be a personal trainer. She took great care in what she ate. At one point we had the canteen especially making salad sandwiches for her. She believed strongly you had to take care of your body.

Looking back, Kayleigh has taught us many things. Lessons which may not have been evident at the time but are now.

She taught us to be nicer to each other, and to be friendly and helpful to those around us, regardless of if we knew the person well or not.

She taught us family is the most important thing, and that for as long as we care and love the people in our family, everything will be ok.

She taught us to live life to the full, and take every opportunity which comes our way.

She taught us to do our best, every time. And to do even better the next time round.

And finally, she taught us to be true to ourselves. To cut the b.s, talk straight, and take it all in our stride.

These are some of the great things our dear Kayleigh taught us.

She taught me all these things over a mere 2 years. Imagine what she would be capable of doing if she were not taken from us too soon.

Yet Kayleigh lives on. To paraphrase Helen Keller, Kayleigh will live on forever for what we have once enjoyed we can never lose, because all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.

So as we sit here today and join the Stamp family in their grief. We can take solace in that we will never need to say goodbye to Kayleigh, because she will live on forever in everyone of us.

Favourite Music

I think the music that people like and listen to relect their personalities. Kayleigh liked a whole range of music but this is a list of her favourite songs (just in case someone wants to make a compliation CD):
  • Lily Allen - F**k You
  • Celine Dion - My Heart will go on
  • Lily Allen - It's not Fair
  • Avril Lavinge - Girlfriend
  • Evanenecse - Bring Me to life
  • Avril Lavinge - Keep Holding On
  • Avril Lavinge - Innocence
  • Foo Fighters - Let it Die
  • fireflies (it was released just before Kayleigh died - she thought it was funny) - don't know the artist
  • Evanenesce - Lithium
  • Rogue Traders - I see you watching me watching you (whatever that song is called)
  • Sophie Ellis-Bexter - Murder on the Dancefloor
  • Natasha Bedingfield - Pocketful of Sunshine (this was Kayleigh's ringtone)
  • Madness - House of Fun
  • The Whitlams - Buy Now Pay Later
Thats all I can remember atthe moment - I'll add more if I think of them.


Kayleigh, to my knowledge, never had a proper boyfriend - the one she had in year 3 does not count. I know she said that many boys did ask her out in High school, but she said no to all of them saying she wasn't old enough, and to ask when she was older. I am sure however that she did get along with the guys and may have even liked a few of them.

Her year 3 boyfriend was Brandon Jackson - he dumped another girl to go out with Kayleigh at the beginning of Year 3 - just before Valentines Day. It was cute as Primary school boy/girl friends are. The other girl was not appreciative of the dumping though :)

In year 7, Kayleigh had a crush on an older guy - his name was Scott and he worked as a barista in Tuggeranong. Scott is a really nice guy who treated all of his customers the same way - from the gorgeous real estate girl to the old men. He wasn't bad looking either. Kayleigh had a thing for him for months and months!!!! even though he was (at that stage) 23 and had a girlfriend. He always greeted Kayleigh with a smile and a wink and asked her how her day was.

There was one boy at school that kept asking Kayleigh out and he annoyed the s**t out of her. 'J' wouldn't leave her alone - he jumped on her one time and kissed her forehead -I believe Kayleigh punched him for that one. I found a note in one of her school books after she died that said '' If J annoys me one more time I am going to punch him in the face'. Kayleigh really didn't like this person (apart from the fact he was completely annoying) - he had gone to Theodore primary and he told her after starting high school that he had liked her the previous year but didn't ask her out then because no-one liked her and he didn't want to get teased. Kayleigh though that reason was the crappiest reason ever.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


All the kid got a Nintendo Wii for Christmas last year. Kayleigh was very excited as we never had a gaming machine before. Thi kids got a range of games, but the ones Kayleigh enjoyed most was Wii Fit, Mario Karts and Super Mario Bros (which we only got about 3 weeks before she died).

In Mario Kart she usually raced a Luigi and Kayleigh was awesome at it - after the initial stage of having no idea how to use the remotes or how the game worked. Kayleigh did the time trails for all the kids so they could unlock the additional characters and karts. Kayleigh was the first person to create her own Mii - blond hair, medium length with a light blue shirt.

In Wii Fit, Kayleigh loved played the Segway and the skateboarding - although Natassja was better at the skateboard - which annoyed Kayleigh. The Segway she was champion!!! I was better than Kayleigh at the fitness side of things - probably because I used these more than the other parts of the Wii Fit. Kayleigh also loved the birdman :)

Super Mario Bros, Kayleigh and Natassja helped Lucas and Terry to get through the stages. Again she prefered to play as Luigi. They had just unlocked world 4 when she died.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Making up silly songs

Kayleigh and I liked to sing - not that we could sing - and we loved making up words to well known tunes. Only two I can remember as Kiara still sings them today - both are to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Kiara bought a brand new car
It went fast and it went slow   {or} It went slow and it went fast
It ran over Kayleigh's toe        {or} It ran over Kayleigh's ass
Twinkle Twinkle little star
Kiara bought a brand new car


Twinkle Twinkle little star
Kayleigh bought a rusty car
It went bang and it went pop
It went grind and then it stopped
Twinkle Twinkle little star
Kayleigh bought a rusty car

We substituted other peoples name instead of Kiara and Kayleigh - Kiara thought it was hilarious when Kayleigh used Mum and dad in the first one

Others were 'Australians all have sausages for breakfast, lunch and tea' (Advance Australia Fair)
and 'One the 1st day of xmas my daddy gave to me. . .his wallet and his car keys . . .'

The little things

When someone close to you passes away, often it's the little things that make you sad . . . this is a list of the little things Kayleigh did that I miss...
  1. Running outside, arms outstretched, yelling 'Mummy' when I got home from work - to give me a hug
  2. The sound of Kayleigh turning over in bed at night - she always hit the wall with her foot or hand -it's so quiet now.
  3. Waking me up by shaking my hand on Sunday morning to ask if she can cook eggs for her breakfast
  4. Kayleigh standing in her bedroom doorway, watching me on the treadmill, when she was supposed to be asleep. Smiling at me and telling me I was doing good. I till look over today when I am on the treadmill - sometimes it feel like she is still there.
  5. Talking to Kayleigh when she was in bed - telling me about her day, the people she hung out with, and the boys that asked her out.
  6. Kayleigh asking me what she is supposed to do on her assignment cause 'I just don't get it'
  7. Kayleigh making cups of tea made for Terence and I - and then making one for herself.
  8. Her smile
  9. Her laugh
  10. Her tears when she was upset.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Dragonheart was Kayleigh's favourite movie when she was little. We had it on video and one DVD - we have not yet been able to find it on Blu-ray. You would think that at the age of 4, she would have preferred movies like 101 Dalmations or The Little Mermaid - but no - Dragonheart was it. I don't know if at that age she understood the movie that much, but he loved the dragon. Th story may have been a little on the dark side but she loved it - when I think about it, it did reflect the way Kayleigh was - she was not a girly girl at all.

Kayleigh would watch Dragonheart almost every day, and everyday she would cry when the dragon died and we would have to re-wind the movie to show her that the dragon was still 'alive' and it was only a movie. Still, the next time she would watch it, she would again cry. It was so sweet that she cared that much about a make-believe dragon.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Kayleigh went to Theodore Preschool in 2000 - her teachers were Moira and Vera. Kayleigh loved Moira (as all preschoolers do with their teachers) but didn't like Vera. Kaylegh went on Wednesday afternoon 12:30 to 3:00 and Thursday and Friday mornings from 9:00m to 1:00pm. She was always so excited to go. The only book she borrowed that year was 'The Tiger who came to tea' - she would return it one week and then borrow it again the week after. Kayleigh probably didn't like Vera that much because one day we were running late and couldn't find her drink bottle - we grabbed the only thing we had - a can on Schweppes lemonade. Kayleigh came home upset that afternoon because Vera wouldn't let her drink it.

Kayleigh made me a picture for Mother day - we all know the ones - "I Love my Mum because ' with a hand drawn picture. Kayleigh had written - 'I Love my Mum because i just do.' Terence got ' i Love my Dad because he plays with me in the Garden' on Father's day.

I can't remember Kayleighs friends from Preschool - One was called Grace but she went to a different primary school.

On the last day of Preschool, Kayleigh was sent home early because she had developed Chicken Pox. This actually sticks in my mind most as Kayleigh didn't have asthma before she had Chicken Pox but she did after - the Chicken pox triggered the asthma, or damaged her lungs (you can get chicken pox on your internal organs)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Kayleigh liked to climb - on everything. From a young age up until she died, she would take every opportunity to climb on things. Kayleigh managed to climb onto a top bunk by the age of 9 months, and learnt to climb back down by the time Natassja was born. Kayleigh climbed trees, and playground equipment, and other structures.

We were down at Calwell Shops about 2 weeks before she passed away and she climbed to the top of the bandstand/gazebo thing in front of the shops - and I mean all the way, hanging off the structure. I could stand underneath her and she still couldn't touch the top of my head it was that far up. At Bunnings, she would jump up and hang on the top of the playgrounds hand rail and monkey up until she was hanging off the top handrail from the highest point of the bridge part in the playground. Kayleigh had amazing upper body strenght (her PE teacher could have told you this).

Just hanging around

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sneaking chocolate

Kayleigh loved chocolate -she especially liked the chocolate that her dad bought for himself as she keep sneaking pieces and she was very good at covering it up, or making sure there was more than one person to tell off.

When we were watching a movie, or asleep, Kayleigh would go to the fridge and take some pieces of chocolate. If one of her brothers or sisters caught her she would give them some - that way if we caught them there was at least two of them to tell off. If we didn't catch them then, Kayleigh would brush her teeth so her breath would not smell of chocolate and then when we found the chocolate gone, only the other child would be told off for eating chocolate and not her. Very sneaky!

Only thing is, Kayleigh could not lie to save herself - we could tell in an instance whether she had taken something that wasn't hers as her facial expressions gave her away every time - as soon as we said 'We know you did it' she would confess - as she said to her siblings - it's better to say you did it and get in trouble, then lie, get caught out for lying as well and get in three times as much trouble.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


In year 4, Kayleigh had a thing for rainbow stuff. She had a rainbow jumper, a rainbow scarf, rainbow gloves and a rainbow beanie. Going out with her in all her rainbow gear was very colourful :) She was Even on the lookout for rainbow socks. She never got out of her rainbow ething' but she did grow out of her jumper and lost her beanie. I accidentally washed her gloves in a hot wash and the shrunk to an unbelievably small size (oops!). Kayleigh started replacing her stuff with Chelsea gear and England stuff in High school. I guess she felt that people might tease her for being so colourful and 'out there'.

Kayleigh in her rainbow gear :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Poem I wrote after Kayleigh passed away

It seems like only yesterday
That you were here with us
Telling off your brothers
And creating quite a fuss

You were so full of life and loving
Caring about everything
It seems too cruel that you were taken
And left us here with this

We tried so hard to save you
To bring you back to us
Although everything we tried
Was not to be enough

When the doctor said your heart was there
But your soul had gone away
I only thought about your life
And wished I could turn back time - just a day

But we are here and you are gone
Never to return
We are left with sadness
And ask the question ‘why her’

Your friends were all heartbroken
You left them without warning
Not a chance to say goodbye
Not even just a reason

Your teachers were left speechless
You were at school the day before
Although they were there to teach you things
In fact you taught them more

But eventually their lives move on
And you become a memory
A schoolgirl friend they left behind
And eventually become a ‘somebody’

Somebody they once knew
Somebody that passed away
Somebody that they cared for
Somebody – what’s her name

They do not mean to forget you
Life gets in the way
They have to keep on going
They may remember you some day

But for me your picture sit in a frame
And I look at you each passing day
And although the colour slowly fades
My memory remains clear

I miss your smile, your bright blue eyes
Your happiness and cheer
I also miss our arguments
Because it meant you were still here

Most of all I miss our talks
Of me saying ‘I love you’
And you looking back at me
Saying ‘Mum, I Love you too.’