Friday, October 1, 2010

Poem I wrote after Kayleigh passed away

It seems like only yesterday
That you were here with us
Telling off your brothers
And creating quite a fuss

You were so full of life and loving
Caring about everything
It seems too cruel that you were taken
And left us here with this

We tried so hard to save you
To bring you back to us
Although everything we tried
Was not to be enough

When the doctor said your heart was there
But your soul had gone away
I only thought about your life
And wished I could turn back time - just a day

But we are here and you are gone
Never to return
We are left with sadness
And ask the question ‘why her’

Your friends were all heartbroken
You left them without warning
Not a chance to say goodbye
Not even just a reason

Your teachers were left speechless
You were at school the day before
Although they were there to teach you things
In fact you taught them more

But eventually their lives move on
And you become a memory
A schoolgirl friend they left behind
And eventually become a ‘somebody’

Somebody they once knew
Somebody that passed away
Somebody that they cared for
Somebody – what’s her name

They do not mean to forget you
Life gets in the way
They have to keep on going
They may remember you some day

But for me your picture sit in a frame
And I look at you each passing day
And although the colour slowly fades
My memory remains clear

I miss your smile, your bright blue eyes
Your happiness and cheer
I also miss our arguments
Because it meant you were still here

Most of all I miss our talks
Of me saying ‘I love you’
And you looking back at me
Saying ‘Mum, I Love you too.’


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