Friday, October 22, 2010

Family: Lucas

Kayleigh and Lucas' bond is probably the hardest to define. Lucas was only 6 when Kayleigh died. Kayleigh was 7 when Lucas was born. Lucas still wakes up every morning ad thefirst thing he says is 'Kayleigh - I love you' and he stated quite angrily after Kayleigh died that he wanted to go to heaven and punch God in the face for what he did.

Kayleigh and Lucas got on, as a younger brother / oldest sister usually does. Kayleigh did not have to same bond with Lucas as she did with Kiara but she did care alot about her littlest brother and tried to help him hen he let her. Lucas is stubborn - if he doesn't want to do something then he won't - he digs himself in and will not give ground. Kayleigh was good at negotiating with him, to try and get him to do things he didn't want to. Kayleigh talked him into getting dressed i the mornings for school (Lucas did not like his kindergarten teacher and refused to go). She got him to read his home readers - I think she bribed him - and she got him to help clean his room.

Lucas loved Mario Kart Wii and Super Mario Bros and Kayleigh would spend time with Lucas helping him unlock new characters and karts and finishing levels - I think that is the memory that Lucas has of Kayleigh and the ones that I think define their relationship - Kayleigh and Lucas playing the Wii, with Kayleigh patiently waiting for Lucas to catch up so he could 'win' the race and Kayleigh being quite happy to let him.

1 comment:

  1. that is so sweet of kayleigh, although kayleigh was always sweet and nice :)


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