Friday, October 15, 2010

Parent Teacher Interviews

I went to parent teacher interview on Thursday at Calwell High - and as soon s I walked in the door I knew I shouldn't have been there. The last time I was there for parent teacher interview Kayleigh was till around. All my emotions came to the surface and as soon as I saw Tassja's first teacher (Mr Greig) I wanted to get out of there. Mr Greig had also taught Kayleigh and he was so understanding of Natassja situation. I saw Ms Peachey and I started crying :'( .. then unfortunately I had an interview with a teacher that Natassja doesn't get along with - afterwards I was in tears. I was trying to explain how Natassja was feeling at the moment and he wanted to ascertain if Natassja was 'ready' to be pushed - if she was far enough over it to get pressured to do her work. Thank you Mr Haidon and the other teacher who came to see how I was - all I wanted to do is get out of there.
Anyway - this blog is about Kayleigh and I always had enjoyed going to her parent teacher interviews as her teachers never had anything bad to say about her - they obviously didn't know her too well (just joking). all of her comments from Kindergarten to Year 8 were about how pleasant she was to teach, how much she interacted with the class, paid attention and tried her best. allot of her teachers suggested that if they had a class of Kayleighs to teach then teaching would be a real pleasure and easy as she just wanted to learn and didn't give the teachers any crap. Mr Mack, this year commented how Kayleigh and Natassja - off their own back - cleaned his classroom one lunch time - tidied the desks and cleaned the board - He said he had the best classroom for weeks after that :) Mr Mack also commented that Kayleigh let the whole class use her connector pens - even though they ruined them - He said that Kayleigh was OK with it and he was going to replace them for her. Unfortunately she died before he did.

1 comment:

  1. Who was the teacher that made u really upset??


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