Sunday, May 15, 2011

Canberra Show

Kayleigh went to the Canberra Show twice in her life - once when she was 4 and the last time when she was 13. Both times her Grandpa took her. They always stayed to see the fireworks which Kayleigh thought was the best part. When she was little, the only rides she went on was the dodgem cars and the ferris wheel. When she was 13, Grandpa took just Natassja and Kayleigh to the show. he made sure that they went to the see the animals and Kayleigh patted the sheep and the cows and checked out the pigs. Kayleigh and Natassja then convinced grandpa to let them on some of the rides. Kayleigh really wanted to go on the tallest ride - the one that flipped you upside down and took you really high. Grandpa didn't know if it was a good idea, but he let them go on some of the smaller rides to see if they could take the movement. Kayleigh first tried the octopus - which she said was pretty tame and then other similar ride. Kayleigh then got want she wanted - to go on the tallest ride. I must say when Grandpa told me i felt a little nauseous myself, but Kayleigh said it was AWESOME!!!! She even went on it twice!

Kayleigh 4 - at the show

Patting a cow

One of the 'tester' rides

After the AWESOME ride - you can see it in front of the ferris wheel


  1. i went on that ride!!!! my reaction was the exact same as Kayleigh's it was soo cool!!!
    xxx aa xxx

  2. That last picture is really nice:) Shows Kayleigh's personality.
    - Jess Chapman
    P.s I think i may of seen Tassj and kayleigh the second time they went.


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