Thursday, May 12, 2011

Family: Nanny

Kayleigh loved her Nanny - Nanny is Terence's mum Lucille. When Kayleigh was little we visited Nanny every 2 out of 3 weekends because Nanny was home by herself because Granddad was working. Nanny bought Kayleigh her Moosie, her most favourite toy when she was little. Nanny always had lollies for her, and sandwiches and fruit. Nanny also had lots of colouring in books for Kayleigh and Natassja to use.

When Kayleigh got older, Nanny and Granddad took her and Natassja down the coast a couple of times, and took her to the Hall markets and other fun places. Nanny always bought Kayleigh clothes for her birthday and Christmas which Kayleigh liked. When Kayleigh got to be the same height as Nanny, she started being given clothes that Nanny had bought but hadn't worn - this was great for Kayleigh. She got all sorts of cool clothes which she wore almost everyday.

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