Sunday, May 8, 2011

Last message from Kayleigh

After Kayleigh passed away, Natassja found this audio file on my old phone. When I heard it, it made me cry, but now every timeI feel down I play it. It's short (7 seconds) but says soooooo much. Today being Mother's Day I have listened to it many times. The audio is a little quiet so you might have to liten carefully.


  1. That's a nice one to hold one to.

  2. thats so sweet!!! :)

  3. We should always remember to tell those special to us how much we love them. We never need a special reason to do so. Thankyou K for reminding me how much a simple 'I love you' is worth :)

  4. Something she left you to treasure.

  5. That's something to hold onto! My deepest regret is never telling my dad that I loved him, he passed away when I was 19 and for 6yrs before we never had a nice thing to say to each other! Now I never want the time I say "I love" someone to be when they're in a coffin! Scott D


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