Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Getting off the lounge

After Kayleigh learnt how to crawl, but before she could stand up she taught herself how to getnoff the lounge. . . . But not feet first. The first time she did it I think Terence and I freaked as it was so quick and unexpected. kayleigh, as usual, was crawling back and forth along the lounge when she suddenly faced the ground, put her arms out and dived off. We freaked, she landed on her hands and then slid the rest of body to the ground until her knees were down and then off she went. A couple of times she didn't get her hands down in time and she face planted, but most of the time she dived off head first and kept going. Talk about no fear. None of my other children did this, but Kayleigh sure found it an effecient way to jump of the lounge and keep going without having to stop.

1 comment:

  1. I did that too as a baby:) Dont know what we must of been thinking? ahh well, definately efficient.


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