Saturday, May 21, 2011

The 'Poo' tale

I think every parent has a poo tale of their kids were the child has managed to smear poo in all sorts of places. The tale of poo that Kayleigh managed -well even I still can't explain how she did it.

We had just moved into the house we currently live at, so Kayleigh was just over 2 years old. Because we moved into the house, we thought we would make it our own by painting the rooms the colour we wanted. Kayleigh and Natassja room we choose a colour called almond nougat - a sort of light apricot colour. As it was a children's bedroom we thought we would spend the extra money and get wash and wear paint so it was easy to keep clean. Because of some sort of special, we also got white wash and wear for the ceiling. The day after we painted, Kayleigh and Natassja were playing in their room. Because we were still painting the other rooms we had the door closed so they didn't get into trouble. After a while we noticed the girls were being very quiet and we went to check on them (quiet children = children being naughty) . Before we opened the door we knew what one of them had been up to. We opened the door and there was Kayleigh, her hands a lovely brown colour, the walls a lovely brown colour up to about a metre from the floor, and a big grin on Kayleighs face. Then I looked up, and there on the nice newly painted ceiling was even more poo!!! The only explanation was she threw it up there - a effort for a two year old. All I can say is thanks god we used wash and wear, it took Terence hours to clean up the room and clean up Kayleigh.

1 comment:

  1. Not as bad as my sister's tale but still very horrific!
    -Jess chapman


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