Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mobile Phones

Kayleigh didn't get a mobile phone until she started High School and even then it was my old pink Motorola flip phone. I told Kaylegh the day I gave it to her that she was not to give out her phone number, make calls unless required or text people unless required. I also showed her the Telstra site that showed the phone calls made and told her that I would keep and eye on it. Initially Kayleigh was on a $10 pre-paid plan and I am very proud to say that she never ever made calls to anyone that she should not have. Most of her calls were to her Dad to say she got to school safely, or at lunch time just to see how his day was going. She always ended the call with 'I love you Dad/Mum' even if she was around her friends.

The one thing Kayleigh wasn't good at was making sure she still had battery. She liked playing games on her phone, which uses battery life. Several times she ran out of battery when she needed to use it and we told her off for it. Eventually the old Motorola stopped working properly so I bought a new phone and she got a pretty crap Nokia that I had been using. This lasted until the start of year 8 when I gave her my nice LG Viewty touchscreen phone. Kayleigh really liked using the phone - again for games when she shouldn't have but she still never made phone calls when she shouldn't. Kayleigh then managed to wash Terence's phone in the washing machine - killing it completely and then dropped his new phone in the water sump at the front of the house a week after that. Kayleigh was always careful with her phone - she got  a rainbow mock to make sure it didn't get scratched, but was unfortunately clumsy with her dad's. I can't count the number of times she dropped it.

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