Friday, May 27, 2011

Doing Weights

As Kayleigh grew up, Terence has several weights sets, benches, dumbbells and other weights stuff. When she little we always made sure she couldn't play with it, but since her Daddy used it she wanted to use it to. One day we had the bench and the barbell out on the porch and we told Kayleigh off for rolling the barbell along the concrete. the next thing we knew, Kayleigh screamed. She had managed to roll the barbell on top of her fingers so they where between the 20kg plate and the concrete floor. We quickly took it off and took Kayleigh to the bathroom to inspect the damage. Nothing was broken, but she had blood blisters on both sides of three fingers, up and down the fingers. Kayleigh NEVER touched the weights without permission again.

When she got older and started showing an interest in weights and her body, Terence worked with her to show her the correct techniques for dumbbells. She wasn't old enough to do weights properly, but light weights to strengthen her muscles was OK. Kayleigh had respect for the weights set and always made sure she was not mucking up around them.

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