Friday, October 7, 2011

Dreaming of Kayleigh

Since Kayleigh passed away I have only ever dreamt of her three times - maybe it's my mind only allowing me to dream of things that won't upset me or something - I'm not sure how the dreaming state works. But only three time, twice in the first weeks after Kayleigh died, and then only last night - 15 months apart.

The first dream occurred the day after Kayleigh passed. We were at a family gathering and Kayleigh appeared. She didn't say anything, just looked at me, turned and walked away.

The second dream was the day after. We were at the same family gathering and Kayleigh walked up to me and said 'I'm allowed to talk to you this time.' I pulled her into a hug, smelt her hair. Kayleigh pulled away and said 'It's OK Mum, I'm OK, I'm Happy - I'm just here to tell you that I love you and that I'm OK and not to worry, not to be sad.'  Kayleigh then said she wanted to play with her siblings and she gave me another hug and ran oer to where Natassja, Kiara, Terry and Lucas were playing. She played on a slide with Lucas and got on the trampoline with them all. I watched them bouncing up and down, laughing and hugging. I turned away to say something to someone, but when I turned back she was gone.

Last night I dreamt of Kayleigh again. I very different dream. She was older and gone fishing with some guy she was seeing. She fell overboard and drowned. I found her and attempted CPR but again it was in vain. But then Kayleigh was standing at my shoulder telling me it wasn't my fault, nothing could have stopped it happening and not to blame myself. Everything was OK.

I like to think that somehow Kayleigh was reaching out to me, that these dreams came from her.......telling me with her wisdom to remember how she was and how much she loved us.

1 comment:

  1. that is beautiful! but i can only say this with my own experiance and a book called 'an Angel by my side' these dreams you had of K.K were not your mind, it was Kayleigh herself, this is called a dream visitation she did this because it was the only way she could contact you, the way she could see you and speak to you! the same thing happened to me, three times and then fourth she went to my mum because i could not let her go :) it is all real and when mum told me what happened when Kay went to her i felt relieved, that she was happy and this time i could let her go still keeping her in memory!!!


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