Sunday, October 9, 2011

Remembering Kayleigh: Jess Chapman

Jess was Kayleigh's closest friend at High School. She posted this on Kayleigh's FB page and I wanted to share it with everyone. Thank you Jess xxxx

This was the sky on Kayleigh's Birthday this year. It looked absolutely magnificent, which you may not be able to see in the photo. It was truly beautiful. At one point i though i saw Kayleigh up there. The dark clouds moved apart rather faster than was normal and revealed a peak of a cloud that had captured the sun, i saw a flicker of a gold wisp right on top of it, as if Kayleigh was sitting there, her hair floating across the dark around her. You can see the peak in the photo. I felt really touched and sat and watched the whole sunset. I knew she was there sharing the moment with me

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