Monday, October 10, 2011


Get your attention?!

I was remembering today how innocent children are when it comes to knowing about sex. I have mo doubt that by 13, Kayleigh knew what sex was and how it was down (as taught by many sex ed classes at school).

I do remember some of her innocent comments of what sex was when she was growing up.

My favourites were probably:
* Sex is when mum and dad kiss alot (she was about 4 or 5)
* Sex is when mum and dad are naked and kiss alot (probably about 8 or 9)
* Sex is when a girl and guy get together and they are naked and their ''you knows'' , well you know and they they well, you know (at 12 - and I laughed my head off cause she refused to say anything  . . .you know)

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