Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I recently moved jobs again, packing up my boxes and putting them in the car, and the thing that reminded me of Kayleigh.

I got my first full time job just after uni when Kayleigh was 4 or 5 years old (pre-school aged) and I stayed in the area for  6 and 1/2 years before moving to a different department. It was the first time that Kayleigh saw me come home with a box of accumulated stationery from my job. Needless to say, along with her connector pens, Kayleigh loved stationery. I barely walked through the door when she was into my box, pulling things out and asking if she could have it - she really liked taking my highlighters, post-it notes, writing pads and my coloured pens  - I think at that stage I has alot of pink, purple and green pens. Every time I moved onwards from then, Kayleigh was always pinching my stationery. If I brought work home then it was almost ensured that any pens I brought with me to write with would mysteriously end up in Kayleigh's pencil case. I took to leaving my box of stuff in the car, to no avail - Kayleigh knew when I was moving jobs and there she would be, rifling through my box in the back of the car, looking for anything that she thought she wanted. I didn't mind, and sometimes if i had a nice pen or pencil, or a different colour highlighter that I no longer required (or was a really cool colour), I would bring it home for Kayleigh.

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