Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A little bit of love

One of Terence's last memories of Kayleigh is of the Tuesday two days before she collapsed. Kayleigh had been up the night before with her asthma and was getting a flu, so she was too sick and tired to go to school. The weekend previous Terence and I put up the frame of the carport (the wettest and coldest day in May) - that might have contributed to Kayleigh being sick as she kept coming out to check on us...

On that Tuesday, Kayleigh helped her dad put on the roof of the carport. As I said previously, I have a clear memory of her sitting on the top of the ladder holding onto the aerial mast handing her dad screws when I pulled up in the driveway - Kayleigh called out 'Mummy!!' raced down the ladder and opened the gate to give me a hug. Anyway, before that, Terence was putting on the roof sheets when he managed to slice his finger with one of the pieces of metal - a nice clean cut. Kayleigh immediately got the first aid kit and ran back outside. She cleaned up her dad's bleeding finger, applied a steri-strip to hold it together and then put on the band-aid. Then she turned to her dad, gave his finger a kiss and said 'There you go Dad, all better, you can stop crying now'. I guess both Terence and I miss that spontaneous loving that Kayleigh gave, she wasn't embarassed by it, or afraid to show it.

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