Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ambulance Investigation

One thing the coroner did say is that they are leading an investigation into the ambulance response time. When we called the ambulance, we assumed that there was going to be one at Calwell ambulance station. That was not to be the case. We were performing CPR thinking 'where the hell is this ambulance' I asked the person on the phone and she replied that the ambulance had been dispatched but it had to come from Kambah as there was no-one at Calwell. This meant instead of taking 2-3 minutes the ambulance probably took up to 15 minutes to get here. In fact the Fire Rescue team was here at least 4 minutes before them.

If there had been a ambulance at Calwell it may have made a difference, we do not know. People in cardiac arrest, even with doing CPR, the chances of survival decrease for every minute the heart is stopped because CPR is not fantastic. Survival after 10 minutes, the chances of survival are around 10% . . . . .


  1. Oh my god, that's madness. How frustrating, why have the bloody thing there then. Will be interesting to find out what the outcome of the investigation brings.

  2. Why, with the population of young families in Tuggeranong, is the nearest hospital in Woden? Judith, I am so sorry to hear that help was not there when it was most needed, I hope that something positive can come of the investigation.


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