Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Her sticky out ear

Maybe you may have noticed, or maybe not, but Kayleigh had one ear that stuck out more than other - her left ear. there is a story behind this - she wasn't born with one ear like that - it happened when she was a baby.
Kayleigh preferred as a baby to sleep on her side. Nothing changed about that in all the years since. With Kayleigh she preferred to sleep on her left side as that was the side facing away from the wall in her cot. It seems that when she rolled onto her side her ear got folded onto the side of her face - there were many time that Terence and I had to 'peel it off' after she woke up - she literally had her ear stuck onto her cheek. One time she had slept almost through out the night this way. Because babies ears cartilage is not hardened, by the time it did start to form properly, her ear stuck out just that little bit more than the right side. Kayleigh hid it well with her hair but she wasn't embarrassed by it because of the story of why :)

Kayleigh at her Year 6 graduation - notice her left ear :)


  1. that is such a cute story. she looks so beautiful in that photo, i love her dress.

  2. She looks like an angel


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