Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Last Conversation

Warning: Some people may find this post upsetting.

I have been asked many times what happened the morning Kayleigh collapsed. I have gone through this time over and over in my mind to try and see what went wrong, why we didn't see what was happening and the truth is that given the time over again we probably wouldn't have done much different as there was no warning that Kayleigh was about to go into cardiac arrest.

Kayleighs last conversation was with Natassja. It's about 4:15 to 4:30 in the morning and Kayleigh has just thrown up which has woken up Natassja.

Natassja: Kayleigh, you just threw up on my bag - what am I supposed to do to go to school
Kayleigh: empty out your bag and use mine - I won't be going to school tomorrow cause I'm sick

Natassja empties out her bag and puts it in the washing machine, and turns it on. She returns to the room where Kayleigh is sitting on the end of the bed. Kayleigh is wheezing but not struggling. Terence tells Kayleigh to get a paper bag to use with her Ventolin (as a spacer) and lie down and take it easy (he is partially asleep when he says this).

Kayleigh: Get me my Ventolin and a plastic bag
Natassja goes gets what Kayleigh asks for
Kayleigh: No a paper bag . . . . .
Natassja gets a paper bag and gives it to Kayleigh

Natassja: Can you help me clean up.
Kayleigh: No, Daddy told me to take it easy
Natassja: But I don't know how to use it (The carpet cleaning machine we have)
Kayleigh: I'm finding it hard to breathe and I'm too tired. Daddy told me to lie down.
Natassja: But I can't take this end off - I don't know how (The end of the carpet cleaner had removable heads for different purposes. The wrong head for carpet cleaning was on it)
Kayleigh: Go get a fork, that's how I do it

Kayleigh lies down on the bed. Uses Ventolin, wheezing seems to get better.

Natassja gets fork and fiddles with the carpet cleaner for a minute.
Natassja: I don't know how to do it. You have to help me Kayleigh
Kayleigh: (gives Natassja the 'you're so useless' stare) - No

Natassja fiddles with the carpet cleaning for another 30 seconds
Natassja: Come on Kayleigh, help me
Kayleigh gives Natassja another look.

Natassja fiddles again for another minute, asks Kayleigh for help again. Kayleigh does not respond. Natassja looks over at Kayleigh and notices she isn't moving. Natassja gets up, walks over to the bed - Kayleigh is staring - her eyes are open. Natassja puts her head against her chest and hears nothing. Natassja then pushes on Kayleigh's chest, Kayleigh takes a breathe and closes her eyes but does not exhale.

Natassja calls out for me. I jump out of bed, take one look at Kayleigh, scream for Terence and run for the phone. Terence checks for pulse and breathing, pulls Kayleigh off the bed and commences CPR while I call the ambulance.


  1. so sad, just heart breaking =0(

  2. That was very hard to read and must have been much harder to write. I can't imagine there being anything different you could have done to make a difference. I send all my heart out to yall your family that you all find peace.

  3. i almost cried..... instead i had my heart thumping in my chest like mad. i am glad tassj knew what to do [ like push on her chest and all]

  4. No warning... No signs... There is just no indication. This is just an absolute tragedy.


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